Guide to Effective Router Management and Network Security
Cybercriminals and data thieves have made it harder for internet users to access information. Are you trying to make changes to router’s settings through The slightest compromise in network or router security can spell disaster for both. The key here is effective management. Confused? These router management tips will help you do that.
Router Management
Router management refers to the process of configuring and managing multiple internet routers in your home or office network. Effective router management helps you keep track of all the hardware assets, check their status, and performance. It can also help you any issues like not being able to access to setup a new router. But, you do need to look out for cyber-attacks which can happen anytime.
Do you want to keep the Wi-Fi network and router safe against unauthorized access? It is time you pay attention to the tips below.
Tips for Effective Router Management & Network Security
Given below are 6 secrets to keep your Wi-Fi router and network safe from prying eyes.
1. Access Admin Panel Through Ethernet
Accessing the router’s admin panel is as simple as opening a web browser. You enter the username and password to login. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, it is safe unless you do it using a wireless connection. Tech experts recommend that when you access the router admin panel then do it using an Ethernet cable.
You might ask – Why should i use a cable connection when there is Wi-Fi? We have a good reason for that. There is a chance that when you login to the admin panel using the wireless connection, a rogue device on your network could track the credentials.
There are some router companies like Netgear that let you manage the router inner settings through Make sure you access this web page through an Ethernet cable.
2. Change Default Login Credentials
Every Wi-Fi router comes with default username and password to access the admin panel. It is also how you perform the Netgear AC1750 setup. Do not use this password every time you login, change it right after setting up the router.
Data thieves and cybercriminals can guess your default login credentials. In other words, if an attacker were to know your router model it would be easy for them to break in the network. Thus, changing the login credentials ensures no one is able to gain unauthorized access to your router and Wi-Fi network. This is an important router management and network security tip you should keep in mind.
3. Use Modern Encryption Standards
Encryption is a must-have feature every internet router should have. Ignoring encryption is the same as leaving all doors and windows open in your home. Review the Wi-Fi encryption settings on the router to ensure it does not have an outdated securiy protocol.
As of now, the latest encryption standard to follow is WPA3. Although not many routers come with this but you should prefer one with this encryption standard. Make sure you change the WPA password. It ensures that no unauthorized devices are connected to the network. Doing this also ensures you are able to access with ease.
4. Keep Router Updated
The most common thing your router should have is updated firmware. The router handles all incoming and outgoing network traffic so it is the first networking device you should secure.
An outdated router firmware has security holes which online attackers can exploit. An updated firmware gives extra security to both the router and network. Make sure you check the router’s manufacturer website every 15 days to keep the router model updated.
5. Change Default SSID
Another setting you should take care of is the name by which your Wi-Fi router shows up. In other words, change the SSID. Many routers come with an SSID that easily give away their model and make.
If a hacker or data thief were to know the router model you have, it will be easier for them to break in and gain access to private data. Changing the SSID also makes it difficult for nosy neighbors to find and connect with the device. Keep this router management tip in mind.
6. Activate Router Firewall
Activating the firewall function in your internet router makes it easy to block anything that is deemed unsafe. The majority of Wi-Fi routers come with an in-built firewall feature. Doing this makes it easier for you to access without any hiccups.
Knowing router management is crucial to keeping the networking device and your network secure against any cyberattack. Follow the tips above to ensure there are no hacking attempts against the router.